Flower Essence Consults

Flower esssences are the energetic remedies of plants. Water is affected by the vibrations it receives (even positive and negative words) altering its molecular structures. Essences are made in relational ceremony with plants, trees, rocks, and environments, using water as the container to hold and alcohol or glycerin to preserve. A consult helps identify which ally of our non-human kin (plant, stone, animal, or environmental) might want to work with you in that moment. To book a consult, find an appointment here.

What to expect: a 50 minute conversation about what’s going on for you energetically, what your intention for the essence would be. Within two weeks, you’ll receive a custom 1 ounce essence in the mail or via local pick-up.

50 minute - $105 includes cost of the essence and shipping (US only at this time). Currently payment is accepted by Venmo and PayPal.

Two mutual aid consults a month are reserved for BIPOC folks. To schedule a mutual aid consult, please email Lisa@lmbotanicals.com.